Ok. Not so much a cause, but a clear statement of why she’s here. She should post up at the entrance as kind of an introduction sign.

A bit extreme. I’m not sure what greed has to do with fascism. I mean, I’m sure there’s a correlation, but saying anyone who wants more money is fascist isn’t right (some of your protesting buddies want money) and the number of fascists that play a significant role in the American economy isn’t that big. American conservatism is a long way from fascism.

I have a tough time supporting a guy who gave away secret government documents. Kinda sounds like treason to me. Admittedly, most of the documents leaked didn’t seem to threaten national security, but would you want all of your emails and text messages made public? Now imagine instead of your mom, boss, or significant other getting pissed about one of those messages it’s a country that can choose to either tell you where the bomb maker is or help him hide from you.

This could be an indictment of the job Bernanke has done, which is pretty harsh as he presided over the worst economic crisis since the great depression and avoided anarchy. Could also just be a face to use for the machine in general, which would make sense as that would mean this protestor wants anarchy, in which case Bernanke didn’t do a good job.

A fat joke. Nice. Not sure how constructive it is as he is only one of many fat Americans. And it’s likely unwarranted as Christie probably didn’t affect this person personally unless, of course, he is a New Jersey school teacher. And you’re not exactly slim yourself, Mr. Sign holder.

This is my least favorite sign. First, it’s obviously a lie. If she didn’t want us to look she would’ve worn close and not written something on her stomach. I’m guessing the real message is on her stomach, which is much harder to read than the clearly printed sign telling me not to look at her. More importantly, I DON”T WANT TO LOOK AT HER. She is what artists call not attractive. I’m having flashbacks of that uncomfortable Alanis Morissette video. Hey, I bet she’s around the protest somewhere.

Hand out, eh. At least it’s clear: give me something for nothing. Got it.

If I take this sign way too literally, it’s logically flawed. While all bullshit is shit, not all shit is bullshit. If this is read figuratively, then it’s just pointless, which is silly.

I like the offer to work together message this poster is sending, but it doesn’t look like that octopus is helping that shark. Looks cool, though.

No way that 2 year old wrote that sign. He is cute, though.

First Sign: 309,160,326 speak as one
Solidarity. I like it. Too bad, looking at all the other signs, it isn’t really true.
Second Sign: When the rich rob the poor it’s called business
Actually, business is when 2 parties agree to exchange goods, usually money for some good or service. I could counter with, when the poor rob the rich it’s called social programs, but that would just lead to yelling and divert attention from the falseness of this sign. Businesses make things. Things you like, like that cool smart phone or those jeggings you’ve had your eyes on.

2 points here. First is the fact that we’re involved in wars with no clear enemy. This is a result of being in another countries civil war as well as the fact terrorism isn’t a nationality. The second is that the enemy at home is clear. Except it isn’t clear to me. Is it anyone that has a lot of money? Or all bankers that make a certain amount of money. If anything, this sign underlines just how hard it is to define who’s to blame.

What job does this guy have where he can get fired for stating an opinion outside of working hours unless, of course, he’s doing it when he’s supposed to be working. In that case he’ll actually lose his job for not doing his job, not for having a voice. But hey, then he can protest losing his job because the economy was out to get him along with all his friends.

Hard to fight execs getting jets, since that’s part of the reason people strive and work to become executives (yes, it takes a lot of work to run a multinational firm) and it’s hard to call someone who gets a salary a slave, but point taken. this poster reminds me about the whole golden parachute thing, where execs get out and the employees get screwed. That should be addressed.

First Sign
Money? It has something to do with money, I’m guessing. You’re made of money? No, that wouldn’t make sense. You want money? That would fit in with the whole handout/entitlement theme. No, I think quarter face is saying something more. Money is the root of evil? I’m going with that. But where does money come from? The root of money is actually production, as evidenced by the fact national wealth is measured by Gross Domestic Production. So it would follow, then, that being productive is evil. So being unemployed is actually a good thing, so this guy has nothing to protest.
Second Sign
I heard a good piece of fatherly advice once: “You deserve nothing. Remember that.” Just because you expected something because other people had it doesn’t mean it’s actually yours or that someone owes it to you. Recessions suck. Adjust your expectations.

Pointing out the increasing gap between the rich and poor. Either that, or he wants a billion dollars for nothing. I’m going with the former as it is a pertinent point that it should be, at the very least, analyzed why the gap is growing.

People with money got it through murder. A little extreme, but it’s a drawing of a pig, so it doesn’t seem so bad.

Somebody got a humanities degree. Shocking he doesn’t have a job. But Diogenes was looking for any honest man, so limiting it to wall st. execs makes you only partially cynical, which isn’t fair to the corrupt execs.

The clearest point this sign is making is that Jesus was black. This argument resulted in one of the better posthumous 2pac songs. I don’t think the apostles had a health care plan, though, unless you count Jesus being able to miracle away any problem from herpes to lupus, and America can’t afford that plan. It also should be mentioned that, just as conservatives and bankers aren’t actually fascists, Obama and liberals aren’t actually Socialists.

I don’t know about 99%, but probably 96.5% of America can agree the Tea Party is a bunch of douchbags. As for taxing the rich, this article lays out why simply increasing the percent wealthy people have to pay isn’t a good idea. Rather, getting rid of deductables and raising the capital gains and dividend tax will disproportionally affect rich people, be easier to implement, and won’t discourage new investment.

Now this is a cause I can get behind. Not sure how big an effect bank fees have on the economy, but they are annoying. I suppose they also line banks pockets while making it harder for poor people to keep money in banks.

First Sign
Lots of money/skeleton motifs and they aren’t really consistent. Is the skeleton dead because it only cared about money, or did it die because it didn’t have enough to survive? Not really clear, but that brings up a point of the somewhat hypocritical message: Having money is bad (greedy bankers), but wanting money is good (unemployed). So it’s ok to want money, until you actually get it.
Second Sign: Tax Wall Street
Wall Street is taxed, via corporate taxes. Problem solved.

I’m going to interpret this as big businesses having so much power in DC through lobbying and campaign contributions. Valid point. Something really should be done to curb this trend. We don’t need any more lobbyists buying casinos.